C++ Animation Program Code

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Source Code:

// including graphics header file

// defining max height and width
#define MAX_WIDTH 800
#define MAX_HEIGHT 500

// C++ main function
int main( ){
        // initialization of graphics window
        initwindow( MAX_WIDTH , MAX_HEIGHT , "MY First Program");
        // for displaying limited objects
        int total = 1;
        // inifinite loop
        while(!kbhit()) {
            // randomizing various objects parameters
int radius = 10 + (rand() % 100);
            int left = 1 + (rand() % MAX_WIDTH);
            int top = 1 + (rand() % MAX_HEIGHT);
            int color = 1 + (rand() % 16);
            int fs = 1 + (rand() % 10);
            // using random parameters
            setfillstyle(fs, color);
            circle(left, top, radius);
            // delay function is used for pause
            // clear device after 30 objects displayed
            if(total > 30) {
                total = 1; // starting count from 1
            total++; // counting graphic objects
        // closing graphics console
        return 0;


c++ animation program code using graphics.h


In this program example C++ graphics.h header file is used to draw circle objects of different radius at random x,y coordinates. This animation source code is compiled and tested using Dev-C++ IDE.

Please select compiler type from right most tool bar drop down option as TDM GCC 32-bit debug.
15/Apr/23 08:21 am
not working [error]sstream:no such directory or file.
Bibas Thapa
24/Dec/22 10:38 am
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